B.) flowchart. this is the answer because if you compare it to the rest of the answers then this one has the most arows and the least amount of writing and can also be discribing how to do things.
hope it helps
too young to remember slavery
the way some white folks talked to colored folks
White folks were in charge
Answer: One listener interrupts the speaker by inserting an opinion.
In order for a successful group discussion to take place, it is important that all of the students listen to each other. Everyone's opinion must be taken into consideration, and everyone should be given a chance to express it. However, if the students interrupt each other while speaking, the speaker then cannot make his point clear and convey his idea. In this light, the action that would be the most disruptive to the discussion is - One listener interrupts the speaker by inserting an opinion. Of course, it is not appropriate to laugh at the opinion presented by another student either, but at least the student is not interrupted in the middle of his speech.
Her parents are missing. The other mother kidnapped them, so she goes back to the other world and rescue them.
Answer: A
If it was left a ls they, the readers would have no idea who is being referred to