Así, al final, el emperador romano, con su guardia y su casa, gobernando un imperio explotado para llenar su tesoro, era esencialmente indistinguible de esos jefes bárbaros con los que chocaba.
Los romanos siempre habían despreciado a los "bárbaros" y creían que las tierras de los bárbaros (como Escocia y Alemania) eran en gran medida inadecuadas para la civilización, por ser demasiado frías y húmedas para el tipo de agricultura mediterránea a la que estaban acostumbrados los romanos.
No. At first it wasn't and then slowly they started to realize how bad it was and created laws and etc to protect the working class.
The realist painters didnt accept Romanticism, which had come to dominate French literature, with roots in the late century. The characters were portrayed in their own setting which shaped their actions and their choices .
The statement that best describes the relationship between Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt is <span>D. She served as his eyes, ears, and legs to find out what was happening in the country.</span>