The angel appeared to Mohamed
<em>NAACP</em> is USA's oldest civil rights organisation which was formed in 1909.This association led black civil rights struggle in fighting injustices like denial of voting rights,racial violence,discrimination in employment and segregated public facilities.
The NAACP's principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States and eliminate race prejudice. The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes.
The NAACP began to publicize the evils of the Jim Crow laws that sanctioned racial discrimination, and fought for a federal anti-lynching law. In the 1920s and 1930s, the NAACP devoted much of its energy to publicizing the lynching of blacks throughout the United States.
Unit 2 Absolutism and Revolution Lesson 5: The French Revolution
1.) D, the third estate wanted political and social reform
2.) A, a limited monarchy
3.) B, it put into practice ideals of the enlightenment
4.) C, they were imprisoned and sometimes executed
5.) A, the committee of public safety had absolute power
6.) B, natural rights
7.) A, it challenged the kings authority
8.) B, the Declaration of Independence
9.) B, it was a model for the french constitution of 1791
10.) D, to spread the revolution and destroy other monarchies
11.) C, a five man directorate with a two house elected legislature
12.) B, to include women in public offices