Whats python? i might be able to help
#include<iostream>//library inclusion
using namespace std;
int main()
int userInput;
do//start of do while loop
cout << "Enter a number less than a 100" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput < 100) //condition
cout << "YOu entered less than a hundred: " << userInput << endl;
cout << "your number is greater than 100" << endl;
} while (userInput > 100);//condition for do while
return 0;//termination of int main
The program has been commented for you. The do-while loop enters the first loop regardless of the condition. Then after the first iteration, it checks for the condition. If the condition is being met, it will iterate through, again. Otherwise it will break out of the loop and land on the "return 0;" line. Which also happens to be the termination of the program in this case. The if-else condition is used for the user to see when prompted.
Light sensor
“Street Light that Glows on Detecting Vehicle Movement. Generally, street light controlling system is a simple concept which uses a transistor to turn ON in the night time and turn OFF during the day time. The entire process can be done by a using a sensor namely LDR (light dependent resistor).”
the storage unit of a computer is known as the term which is used to indicate storage capacity.
Five units of storage units are:-
1) byte
2) kilobyte
3) megabyte
4) gigabyte
5) terabyte
Check MongoDB on Github and you will see that it is open source.