Following are the code to this question can be described as follows:
c= input('Input triangle_char: ') #defining variable c that input character value
length = int(input('Enter triangle_height: ')) # Enter total height of triangle
for i in range(length): # loop for column values
for j in range(i+1): #loop to print row values
print(c,end=' ') #print value
print()# for new line
please find the attachment.
In the above python code, two variable "c and length" variables are declared, in variable c is used to input char variable value, in the next line, length variable is defined, that accepts total height from the user.
- In the next line, two for loop is declared, it uses as nested looping, in which the outer loop prints column values and inner the loop is used to prints rows.
- To prints all the value the print method is used, which prints the user input character triangle.
( n cards are there initially )
we pick out the first card in random it takes n-1 comparisons to figure out
its Equivalence card - n-1 steps
Two cards have been eliminated ( this leaves us with 2 and n-2 cards)
we pick out the 2nd card in random it takes n-3 comparisons to figure out
its Equivalence card - n-3 steps
we continue to do this.. till all cards are exhausted ( leaves us with 2
and n-4 cards again)
the last comparison will
- n-(n-3)
the sum of all these steps - (n-1) + (n-3) + (n-5) + .........+
if you draw this in the form of a tree.
n - n
n-2 - n
n-4 - n-2
n-6 - n-4
n-8 - n- 6
the height of the tree will be log n , sum @ each level is at most n
Argentina se creó tras su independencia respecto de España el 9 de julio de 1816, tras 6 años de guerra por la independencia del país, donde líderes como Manuel Belgrano, Martín Miguel de Güemes y José de San Martín derrotaron a los españoles.
La unidad nacional de los argentinos, a su vez, se originó tras las invasiones inglesas de 1806 y 1807, y se consolidó tras la conquista de España por parte de los Bonaparte, que dio origen a la Revolución de Mayo de 1810, donde los argentinos decidieron imponer un gobierno propio.
You should have the percentage of tip based on the service that you received.
Then you multiply the percentage of tip by the amount of money that you have to pay for what you bought.