He established a security to help people with his work and to make a difference
Harriet Tubman aided slaves from the south to escape their captors. She courageously set up the Underground Railroad by marking trees, and whites who opposed slavery set up “safe houses” she also informed that if a slave were to get lost, to look towards the sky and find the North Star.
It start in Salem, Massachusetts
Self-report data asks respondents to reveal illegal activity in which they have been involved, to which they are able to plead the 5th in order to not incriminate themselves, the risk in which being they place automatic suspicion upon themselves
The geography influenced the economic development of New York, Boston, and Charleston, because they were all ports and this helped with trade (both import and export). There were many ships coming in and coming out and also due to this, many communities started settling there and towns started booming due to the growing amount of people.