Originating out of a violent civil war, the shogunate was successful because they used force to rule Japan.
The Shogunate was the form of government that ruled Japan for nearly 700 years. The shogun had de facto power, although Japan has always had an emperor. Together with the Imperial court, the Shogunate formed a parallel power structure, with the Shogun as the military leader alongside the imperial state structure. Over time, the Imperial court would have to relinquish more and more power and the Shogunate would become Japan's most powerful organization.
In the 1400s, European explorers benefited from "improvements in map-making skills," since these allowed for greater location accuracy. GPS and steam ships would not be invented for quite some time.
b) progressives pressured the government to change
"They sought regulation of monopolies (trustbusting) and corporations through antitrust laws, which were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors. They also advocated for new government roles and regulations, and new agencies to carry out those roles, such as the FDA."
The antislavery warrior John Brown, who in 1859 raided Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in a heroic, doomed effort to liberate slaves, correctly predicted that slavery would fall only after "very much bloodshed." ... Stowe hailed Brown as "the man who has done more than any man yet for the honor of the American name."