A miserable, bitter old miser, Scrooge hates irrational things like happiness, generosity, and Christmas, until a trio of Ghosts shows him the error of his ways. Really, what's the deal with Scrooge? It's probably safe to say that there were exactly zero people like him in Dickens's reading public (nobody's that mean, right?), so he's certainly not here to make us identify with his awfulness. So what function does this character play? Well, here are two good ways to think about him.
A miserable, bitter old miser, Scrooge hates irrational things like happiness, generosity, and Christmas, until a trio of Ghosts shows him the error of his ways.Really, what's the deal with Scrooge? It's probably safe to say that there were exactly zero people like him in Dickens's reading public (nobody's that mean, right?), so he's certainly not here to make us identify with his awfulness. So what function does this character play? Well, here are two good ways to think about him. Hope this Helps!