Make sure you keep your reader interested, if its short make sure it makes sense. Maybe add a plot twist or a bad beginning and a great ending.
beds of roses, a thousand fragrant posies, a cap of flowers, a kirtle embroidered leaves of myrtle, a gown made of the finest wool, fair lined slippers with buckles of the purest gold, a belt of straw and Ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs
The shepherd promised to give the object of his affection things that he thought would make her happy such as fine clothing, slippers and accessories. He thought the lady would be enticed by things that would beautify her. He thought these things would give her pleasure.
They could die, cross-contamination from earth, e.t.c
Oxitec developed a genetically modified version of the yellow fever mosquito to help control the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.
How do the reactions of the Juazeiro residents to the use of OX513A?</h3>
- The question concerns dengue viruses infected by mosquitoes and how it was treated differently in two different places.
- In Brazilian city, Juazeiro, there is an insect research facility which uses a mosquito against mosquitoes.
- A mosquito named OX513A is an unharmful mosquito which destroys harmful mosquitoes carrying dengue virus. For the same situation, in Key West, Florida people were not okay with the introduction of the new insect.
- The center of the disagreement was actually people's fear.It was fear that was driving them to go against the new methodology. However, the new solution was much better alternative.
Learn more about Oxitec, refer to the link:
D, But I must get to work
The words suggest that the writer is being frustrated by circumstances and might not be able to go to work--a possibility which is creating anxiety.