A memoir is a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. It's a book about your life, the lessons learned, and key moments that shaped who you are. We all typically think of a memoir and cringe a little at the idea of a book about someone else's life
A memoir is a collection of memories that someone writes about his or her own life. While the memories can be public or private—and are often a mix of the two if the memoirist is a famous person—a memoir is understood to be as factual as memory permits.
I think its b more complicated
1. This is my car (Este es mi gato.)
2.Este libro es mío. (This book is mine.)
3. La culpa es mía. (The fault is mine.)
4. Ellos son amigos míos. (They are friends of mine.)
5. Esas muñecas no son mías. (Those dolls are not mine.)
6. ¿Ese es tu hermano? (That’s your brother?)
7. No encuentro tus libros. (I can’t find your books.)
8. No es asunto tuyo. (It is none of your business.)
9. ¿Es tuya esta bufanda? (Is this scarf yours?)
10. Mis hermanos y los tuyos fueron al mismo colegio. (My brothers and yours went to the same school.)
11. Espero noticias tuyas. (I hope to hear from you.)
I hope I helped!!