it's a
Earth rotates on its axis once each day, and the gravity of the Moon causes the oceans to bulge. Earth rotates on its axis once each year, and the gravity of the Moon causes the oceans to bulge.
A) Calcitonin injection
Parafollicular cells or C-cells of the thyroid gland produce a hormone which is involved in the regulation of calcium levels in the blood. This hormone is Calcitonin. It works in an antagonistic manner with the Parathyroid hormone (PTH). Calcitonin decreases the calcium level in the blood by increasing absorption of calcium ions in bones. In osteoporosis, when the patient is given the injection of hormone calcitonin, it produces and increase in bone mass because it negatively affects the rate of absorption of bone by the osteoclasts.
The stability of atoms depends on whether or not their outer-most shell is filled with electrons. If the outer shell is filled, the atom is stable. Atoms with unfilled outer shells are unstable, and will usually form chemical bonds with other atoms to achieve stability.
Answer: C. Their camera
Toolmarks are the impressions left by an object or tool on it's contact surface. Toolmarks are searched and collected in a crime scene to relate a link with the tool which has created them. In crime scene investigation, toolmarks found in the scene of crime should be photographed by the analyst in close range, mid range and overview range shots in order to record it's original location, shape, size and number if multiple tool marks are present.
Answer: Option C
The lymphatic system can be defined as a system of network of tissues and organs that helps the body to clean toxins and other materials of the body that is not required.
The main function of the lymph is to transport lymph, which is a fluid that helps in fighting with infection.
The pathway that is followed by the lymphatic system inside the body is lymph nodes→ lymph vessels→lymph capillaries→ subclavein veins.