You have to provide some more information, as different enzymes are best suited to different pHs as they operate in different parts of the body.
I feel like this question has more to do with water and its changes of states more than just freezing water. Water has a high specific heat, which means that it takes more energy to either boil or freeze than many other types of substances. This is unusual about water because it has a low molecular weight, which is normally associated with a smaller need for energy to change states. Is water didn't require this extra energy, then it water would freeze much more easily. This would be detrimental for many biological ecosystems. Think about how the world would be if water froze at say 60 degrees F, rather than 32. This would significantly effect the world as we know it.
Charles Darwin had concluded that these birds had somehow evolved to adapt based on the island they were on. Each island had different food sources so if these finches wanted to survive they had to change. Each finch adapted to their environment due to forcefully evolving to survive.