Active site and protein.
The two components which are often found as part of an enzyme are Active site and protein. Proteins are referred to as macromolecules or macromolecules which consists of more or one of a chain of amino acid residue. They do perform an array of functions which are within organisms.
P = f(TLTL) = 0,16
H = f(TLTS) = 0,48
Q = f(TSTS) = 0,36
The allele proportion of any locus defines the genetic constitution of a population. Its sum is 1 and its values can vary between 0 (absent allele) and 1 (fixed allele).
The calculation of allelic frequencies of a population is made taking into account that homozygotes have two identical alleles and heterozygotes have two different alleles.
In this case, let's say:
f(TL) = p
f(TS) = q
p + q = 1
Considering the genotypes TLTL, TLTS, TSTS, and the allele frequencies:
TL= 0,4
TS= 0,6
Genotypic frequency is the relative proportion of genotypes in a population for the locus in question, that is, the number of times the genotype appears in a population.
P = f(TLTL)
H = f(TLTS)
Q = f(TSTS)
Also P + H + Q = 1
And using the equation for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the genotypic frequencies of equilibrium are given by the development of the binomial:

So, if the population is in balance:

Replacing the given values of allele frecuencies in each equiation you can calculate the expected frequency of each genotype for the next generation as:

I hope you have a SUPER day!
Explanation: Non Native species come in many ways one way is by boat or some other form of transportation where whether its a plant or animal is either brought on purpose legally, brought illegally, or brought by accident. Like maybe a disease someone didn't know they had or a bug or other animal sneaks on undetected
Pregunta completa: un caballo negro de antepasados desconocidos fue apareado con cierto numero de yeguas de color rojo de raza pura, estos apareamientos dieron 20 descendientes de colo rojo y 25 de color negros.
A) cual de dichos caracteres fenotipicos es mas probable que este causado por un homocigoto recesivo?
B) segun su hipotesis cuantos individuos de cada clase habrian esperado
A) El color rojo es causado por un genotipo homocigota recesivo
B) Se habrían esperado 22.5 individuos negros y 22.5 individuos rojos, que juntos sumarian un total de 45 individuos.
El desarrollo del problema se encuentra disponible en el archivo adjunto
Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory enables us to establish cause and effect in biology, including those associated with a person's overall character. The evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote: "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution". It's a well-known statement on the evolutionary theory and their implications in all spheres of biology