<u>Mistake</u>: There should be no apostrophe to in "Friday's" as it is incorrect to use an apostrophe to represent the plural of Friday.
<u>Fix:</u> The Coast Snack Shack will be Closed on Fridays!
Old Values and Unchanged traditions
The rhyme scheme consists of a discernible pattern of rhymes (words corresponding to other words in sounds) at the end of the lines, or in the middle. In this case, the rhyme scheme is as follows: ABBAABBACDCDCD. Look at the ending words of each line, and you'll notice the pattern: "saint" - "grave" - "gave" - "faint" (the first rhymes with the fourth, and the second rhymes with the third); the same with "taint" - "save" - "have" - "restraint". The rest of them: "mind" - "sight" - "shin'd" - "delight" (the first and the third rhyme with each other, just like the second and the fourth), etc.