The answer is (b-)False.
<u>The United States never attempted to disengage from world affairs and embrace isolationism</u>, but quite the opposite. Even before World War II ended, the US took a leading role in shaping the postwar world, especially through the conferences of Teheran in 1943, Yalta and Potsdam in 1945 that brought "The Big Three" together (Franklin. D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Iosif Stalin). The United States was also a founding member of the United Nations in 1945, and was designated as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
imagine you are a king/queen and its time for you to step down as reining monarch, your mother and father are your predecesors and therefore your son or daughter would be heir, normally its the first born child
the did this by joing the un
he owned a restaurant and refused to serve African Americans even though the law said he had to.