We can argue that Dickinson sees death here as nothing but guide to eternity.
In the poem Death is not sinister nor scary, instead its a courteous and patient gentlemen that is there to guide the narrator even though she had not time for it. He accompany's her until its her time and though then things get bit spooky it is worth it as in the fourth stanza she arrives at her destination which is eternity. She relishes that death is not death, but immortality.
sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, disconnected, isolated, odd, random, patchy, scattered.
Synonyms of intermittent
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She discovers Titus's plan to become a soldier for the crown.
Authors will describe characters explicitly either by observation of another character or via a narrator. The purpose of this is to allow the reader to get to know the character intimately in order to use any behaviour that they display later as understandable based on how they were described when they were introduced.
Building the characters also allows the writer to engage the reader's emotions by giving the character likable, unlikable or relatable traits. These are often full of descriptive words and very intimate details about the Character that sometimes only they themselves will know.