They were reform - minded journalists.
Muckrakers were exposing some sord of political, child labor, workers safety issues and that's the main reason why they had impact on American life. As reform - minded journalists they were investigative reporters and they were writing all about their investigation.
Muckrakers were attractive in Progressive Era (1890-1920). Nowadays, we can find some Muckraker articles. In these articles we can find stories about corruption and wealthy businessmen.
Some of the Muckrakers were: John Spargo, Lincoln Steffens, Ida Wells, Upton Sincilar, Jacob Riis...
They risked their lives by writing those kinds of articles but they did bring improvements.
The political development of nationalism and the push for popular sovereignty culminated with the ethnic/national revolutions of Europe. During the 19th century nationalism became one of the most significant political and social forces in history; it is typically listed among the top causes of World War I.
- Thomas Malthus--Predicted that population growth would far exceed the food supply.
- Adam Smith-- Stressed the idea that a free market needs to function without government interference.
- Robert Owen-- Proposed a society where workers are treated fairly and children are taught to read and write.
- Adam Smith-- Stated the “Invisible Hand” of the market would benefit both producers and consumers.
- Robert Owen-- Focused on providing education to children instead of letting them work in factories.
d the Roman empire was only in europe