Signs point to North Korea unilaterally launching the invasion. It was not helpful for the USSR and was at a very bad time for the PRC since the war immediately shut down plans to invade Taiwan.
The U.S., especially after Chinese troops entered the war, viewed it as a united and aggressive communist bloc brashly taking over one more country and likely to try more if not resisted. US defense spending shot back up to wartime levels (though far from the WWII peak) and stayed there.
China also viewed it as a feeler for aggression that would go further if not resisted. Both countries were overinterpreting local issues as global ones.
The dramatic reverses were all in the first year, followed by two years of stalemate before the armistice.
1. The truth of suffering
2. The truth of the origin of suffering
3. The truth of the cessation of suffering
4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering
During his trial for suspicion of heresy, Galileo chose his words carefully. It was only after the trial, angered by his conviction no doubt, that he was said to have muttered to the inquisitors, “Eppur si muove”(“And yet it moves)”, as if to say that they may have won this battle, but in the end, truth would win out.
<h3>#Correct me if I'm wrong</h3><h2>#HopeitsHelp</h2>
<span>The architectural features that demonstrate the efforts of church builders at the Benedictine Church of San Clemente in Rome to reclaim the artistic and spiritual legacy of the early church are the use of spolia, the decoration of apse and using of a timber roof. The Benedictine Church of San Clemente in Rome was rebuilt in the 11th century. Its decoration and architecture depict a major work to recover the spiritual and creative heritage of the church. </span>