Integers are always whole numbers, positive, negative or 0.
Answer: to argue
Explanation:This is because he showing his reason why he believes kids should wear bike helmets
Your families are proud of you, and your nation will welcome you.
In this speech, President George W. Bush is welcoming the troops that were fighting al-Qaida and are now returning home. He gives them a brief summary of the war, and of America's position in it. He also tells them he understands that their main purpose is to eventually come home. Finally, he lets the troops know that their service is appreciated by telling them that their families are proud of them and their nation welcomes them.
People should determine for themselves what to throw away.
In my opinion, that argument is always thrown up "we have the right to throw away whatever we want." People are always advocating the freedom of doing whatever they want these days.
The first counterargument "Municipal landfills are overflowing with trash" would help your cause. It would show people that they're throwing away too much trash.
The last counterargument "Recycling is expensive and causes pollution" is an absurd statement and is not based on any fact.