There children will have type AB blood because both A and B are both dominant alleles so they will both be inherited.
Fight or flight response.
Fight or flight response is also known as hyper arousal response. This response is mainly generated in case of attack and harmful event.
Jade hears a rattle sound and sees a rattle snake as she turns turns around, this is a type of harmful event or fear for Jake. This condition causes the dilation of pupil, sweat and heart pounds in Jade's body. The fight and flight response has been generated in Jade's.
Given question is incomplete as it lacks the group of choices. However, the group of choices associated with the question is as follows:
1. Organisms must display variation.
2. A trait must increase reproduction.
3. A trait must directly affect metabolism.
4. A trait must increase survival.
5. A trait must be able to be passed on to future generations.
The correct answer is : option 3. A trait must directly affect metabolism.
The process that leads to change or adaption in the species or a population of the organism known as natural selection. In this process population exhibits the variation in the population due to the change or adaption.
This variation refers to the better traits and increased reproductive ability, suited to the environment than others which is also known as survival of the fittest as they increase their survival in comparison to the other population or species. Natural selection carries traits that are passed on to one generation to another.
Thus, the correct answer is option Is : 3. A trait must directly affect metabolism.
A new mutation
A mutation refers to the random changes in the DNA of organisms. A mutation changes the allele and genotype frequencies by the introduction of a new allele in the gene pool.
However, mutations are not the major factor responsible for changes in the gene pool of a population as mutations are rare. The rate of mutations is very slow and does not allow it to serve as a major factor to change the allele and genotype frequencies.