The fax modem is used to send and receive fax messages by only having phone line (fax machine is not required). The scanned documents should be saved as digital file (image or PDF format) in order to be sent. So, in order to send a portion of a map you should first convert the map into digital file and than simply send it through the fax modem. The best way to convert it to a digital file is to use an optical character recognition (OCR).
B = x is equal to 5
C = “ have special meaning and should not be used when naming variables “.
Most apps for <u>learning</u> a new language are for educational purposes and are most likely an education type of app.
<em>Arduino is a free and open-source electronics platform with simple hardware and software. Arduino boards can read inputs, turn on a sensor and transform it into an output, activate a motor, and turn on an LED. Sara may direct her board by sending a series of instructions to the board's microcontroller. To accomplish so, she used the Arduino programming language and the Arduino Software (IDE), both of which are founded on Processing.</em>
Functions with a boolean return type.
If the return type is boolean, the only possible values are true or false.