<u>The soil was named Pamunkey, the name chosen for a nearby river, which in turn was named for the Pamunkey Indian Nation that lives along the river. </u>The Pamunkey soils were first used to sustain the Pamunkey Indians, and many other tribes, and later to grow crops by the settlers at Jamestown.
F.D.R is created a sense of urgency of authority. This address was delivered to Congress to encourage the declaration of war against Japan after the bombing on Pearl Harbor.
So there’s your context. Let’s look at the wording:
“A date that will live in infamy” F.D.R uses the word infamy to imply that the day will be infamous and important for years to come. Infamy paints a much more foreboding, disturbing picture than saying something like “A date that will be regarded importantly”. Infamy carries with it a sense of dread.
“Suddenly and deliberately attacked” this is straightforward. This attack was planned in advanced by Japan as a desperate resource grab. They hoped to make the United States surrender by hitting them hard. “Suddenly and deliberately” carry surprise and forethought with them, further enforcing the impending dread to come.
In short, the impact of the language is to be deliberate. It is an attempt to show things for how they are and to show that declaring war must happen. It also demonstrates a sense of power to the date with “infamy” in the mix.
Allies adopted a "Europe-first" strategy to aid the nation of France which fell under Nazi power during WWll.