During a flood, many individuals in a population of gophers drowned. Which effect of an environmental change does this best <span>illustrate? The answer is DEATH</span>
Answer: All of the mentioned Scientist made considerable contributions to understanding the DNA molecule in the order:
Explanation: 1.Fredrick Griffith
2. Avery, McCarty and MacLeod
4.Hershey and Chase
5.Watson and Crick
to an evolutionary biologist fitness simply means reproductive success and reflects how well an organism is adapted to its environment.We call them fit because of how successfull they reproduce not how well they do at athletic events
Answer: Enzyme compartment cannot be used as metabolic control mechanism.
Explanation: Metabolic control or regulation employs many substrates,enzymes and byproduct to send a signal to cells to perfom or stop perfoming certain duties. Too much glucose for instance will regulate, activate and send signals using insulin to store glucose in form of glycogen using the process of glycogenolysis. Hormones and enzymes will also signal to activate the process of sleep, menstruation, digestion etc activating and regulating different kind of cells.
On the other hand enzyme cormpartmentation is there to maintain order and protect cells from lysis by making sure that each enzyme and cell works in its own confined space.