The paragraph contains sentence variety
Answer: C. an independent clause (A. a coordinating conjunction) Explanation: Although nothing is underlined, I think the question stiil can be answered. But first, a quick revision. Independent clause is the one that conveys a complete thought and contains enough information to stand on its own. On the othet hand, dependent clause can only express a meaning if it is linked to an independent clause via the subordinating conjunction. In our sentence, both clauses, "The harsh wind scoured the scant remaining leaves from the trees" and "A desolate landscape remained in its wake" are independent clauses and as such they are linked together via a coordinating conjunction "and". So, if any of these two clauses is underlined then the correct answer is "independent clause". However, if the conjunction "and" is underlined, then the answer is "coordinating conjunction".
a. will race
The verb phrase in the statement above is "will race". In order to better understand what verb phrase is, one must have a clear understanding of what is a verb and what is a phrase. A verb phrase can be the sentence's predicate or a clause. The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is doing. A verb phrase sometimes serves as an adjective or adverb complete with a verb, the complements and others.
The answer is A.ingerrogative
Based on the excerpt, it can be deduced that the response of the author was that Shakespeare owned books and he used a humorous tone as he pointed out facts by using humor.
Bill Bryson mocked that author of Shakespeare never owned a book. He stated that even though the author stated that attention wasn't paid to the books that he wrote in his biography, it doesn't mean that he didn't write a book.
Bill Bryson stated further that he was an actor, theoretical producer, and a citizen of Stratford. He stated that he owned books as she was a literate.
In conclusion, he also supported his arguments as he stated that he was clever and had some standing as a poet and playwright.
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