A group of individual parts that interact and form a more complex whole.
Explanation: A system encompass the combination of one or more parties which interacts in order to form a complex body that is bigger than each of the individual parts which formed it.
A system is usually more efficient as it ensures that all the Individual forming units interacts with its own capacity to ensure that the newly formed complex is Effective and efficient.
Smitty loves New Orleans jambalaya, with shrimp, sausage and okra.
Senators serve terms of six years each; the terms are staggered so that approximately one-third of the seats are up for election every two years.
Voting system: Varies in 5 States; Plurality voti...
Length of term: 6 years
The Mayan celebrations involved rituals of bloodletting of choice animals as well as human sacrifice. where people would be killed by having their heart ripped out from the chest.
This was done to appease the gods and it was done in every celebration of every calendar be it political or religious. The most sacred was the tongue and the ear, they pierced the ear to hear from the Gods and cut the tongue to enable them to speak what they heard from Gods.
Akbar believed that all religions should be tolerated, and that a ruler's duty was to treat all believers equally, whatever their belief.