a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.
Earlier soliders were experenced horse riders and warriors who believed they had a religious duty to spread Ilsam.
Down the great rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. Then the sailors would portage (carry and drag) their ships between rivers, heading for southern flowing rivers, such as the Dneiper and Don,
Effects of Mergers. When two or more companies merge, the resulting company has more resources than either of the original companies had alone. Because of its increased resources, it can often lower the prices of its goods and services, which, in turn, attracts more customers.
Is this a random question? If so, I think that countries on the losing side of the war have already lost to the opponent for the reason they were fighting for. Is that not punishment enough? On top of that most countries that go to war could be 3rd world countries and probably can't afford to lose anything else or can afford to go to war. Respond to my answer if it were not quite what you were looking for so that I can give feedback on what you were looking for. Because your question didn't provide much to go on. :) im open to suggestions and corrections.