The next larger whole number is 638 .
The next smaller whole number is 637 .
637.892 is closer to 638 than it is to 637 .
The nearest whole number is 638 .
First, find the 40% discount.
40% of 195 is 78
195 x 0.40 = 78
Subtract that from 195
195 - 78 = 117
Now, find 66 2/3% of 117, since it is an additional reduction after the original discount.
2/3 = 0.667, so 66 2/3% is 66.667%
117 x 0.66667 = 78.00039
And subtract that from 117
117 - 78.00039 = 38.99961, which in dollars would be $38.99. (hundredths, etc. of a cent are usually just dropped; no rounding involved.)
The discount price would then be $38.99
the perimeter is 50 inches squared
Step-by-step explanation:
if the length is 4 times that means the sides are 20 and 5
Answer: Below
Step-by-step explanation:
125% is essentially 1.25 or 125/100.
In mixed number form it's: