The sentence that is incorrectly punctuated is option B.
"Help me shovel the driveway please?"
The correct punctuation here is: "Help me shovel the driveway, please.
This is a request, so we use a comma before the word "please", that is used to make the request polite, not a demand or an order. The period is used at the end because the person is not making a question, but making a request.
The phrase between brackets is a <em><u>gerund phrase</u></em>.
A gerund is a verb form that can function as a noun in a sentence. It is the '-ing' form of the verb that identifies as a noun.
A gerund phrase is a group of words that starts with a gerund and contains modifiers, nouns, or pronouns that acts as a direct object or can act as the subject in the sentence.
In the given sentence, the words in the brackets is a gerund phrase. It starts with the '-ing' form of the verb.
Well A, B, and C all would not properly describe bedlam, and here's why, bedlam means uproar and confusion, but sweltering means hot, serene means peaceful, and humdrum means dull. Now tumultuous means unsteady, that is the only adjective that describes bedlam properly. :)
B) Secondary sources
primary sources are from someone living at that time / someone who directly experienced the event they are talking about
secondary sources are people [who did not experience the event] writing about an event after it occurred. These people were not directly involved in the event, making them secondary (you can think of it as second-hand information) sources.
tertiary sources are essentially sources identifying primary / secondary sources (they're a reference for resources)