I think if u message them privately it will stay private. so no i dont think it will go on the other persons page.
The biggest show of Irony in this story is the fact that they both sold their most precious possessions in order to get the other something for their most valuable possession.
compound-complex or complex-compound
a). 'Absolute Threshold' is demonstrated as the least or minimum stimulation or arousal required to detect or perceive a specific external stimulus by our senses(sight, smell, touch, vision, hear) at least half of the time(50%). In the given situation, Marisol would require to feel the ardor of the atmosphere around her to discover the actual temperature, at least half of the time.
b). The difference threshold is exemplified as the difference of variation that is required between two external stimuli to be able to perceive a difference among them. In the given situation, if there's change/variation in the temperature Marisol would be able to detect it due to the existence of a difference between the two temperatures.
c). Selective attention is described as indulging your focus selectively onto one particular stimulus while ignoring the others at the same time. Such attention would contribute to Marisol to focus on specific stimuli associated with the winter weather.
yes it is
"burned into me" is an Idiom. it means to have a strong and long lasting imprint or impression, that will be remembered or is important.