B. By controlling salt and gold trade routes
The economic progression of Ghana from 750 to 1240 helped in the process of growth and territorial expansion by intensifying its trans-saharan trading activities in ivory, salt and gold. The development of huge urban complex also encouraged them in gaining monopoly over diffrent trading routes.
The Ghana Empire laid its dominance in Sahel region to the north of west African gold feilds. This enable Ghana to earn huge profit by the control of gold trade which turned region into wealthy and powerful.
The land between rivers, the euphrates and the tigris rivers
On March 6, 1836, after 13 days of intermittent fighting, the Battle of the Alamo comes to a gruesome end, capping off a pivotal moment in the Texas Revolution. Mexican forces were victorious in recapturing the fort, and nearly all of the roughly 200 Texan defenders—including legendary frontiersman Davy Crockett—died.
Final answer is D
This set of mainly 19th-century maps from books is a fine representation of publishing activity and reader interests at the time. The publishing industry had grown and diversified to what we recognize today, and popular topics included: travel; geography textbooks and school atlases; histories; and contemporary exploration and military accounts. The maps are familiar, but eminently of their time.