While people with pets often experience the greatest health benefits, a pet doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog or a cat. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and lower pulse rate.
Studies have shown that:
Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets. One study even found that when people with borderline hypertension adopted dogs from a shelter, their blood pressure declined significantly within five months.
Playing with a dog or cat can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.
Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets.
Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without.
Pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets.
I personally I agree with the idea!
Technology provides many opportunities which without it would not be possible, for example the opportunity to watch an educational video about body parts for an anatomy class or the opportunity to practice programming for computer science class. Technology provides the opportunity for the students to learn or practice at home and without it, the students would not have sufficient sources to learn from.
Dear Yale,
Can you please give me a tour of the school. Can you tell me the classes, you are teaching.
1. Inquisitive
Denotation is the literal meaning of a word. Connotation is the figurative meaning of the word.
While curious can be viewed in a negative limelight, it generally means to be pensive or thoughtful. Answers 2, 3, and 4 are more aggressive with their meaning.
Think of it as the following, your sibling is intrusive and nosy, while an investigator is curious and inquisitive.
Semicolons should not be used between a dependent clause and an independent clause.