Answer:As sediment deposition builds up, the overburden (or 'lithostatic') pressure squeezes the sediment into layered solids in a process known as lithification ('rock formation') and the original connate fluids are expelled.
i really don't know the letter answer for it. but i hope this will help.
The struggle in Java with population is OVER POPULATION. Java is densely populated because the volcanic soil is more fertile
The minimum, maximum and average 2007 population of the cencus tracts in the city of Austin is (minimum)10883; (maximum) 8323732; (average 2007) 736677
No! The U.S is much smaller than Asia. Asia is the largest continent of the world!
A factor in determining the carrying capacity of a city's environment is the water resources available to meet city needs. This is assuming this is one of the following city needs in this question. This is the only answer that pertains to the environment.
Good Luck!