To see who reads the file, open “Windows Event Viewer”, and navigate to “Windows Logs” → “Security”. There is a “Filter Current Log” option in the right pane to find the relevant events. If anyone opens the file, event ID 4656 and 4663 will be logged.
<span><span><span /></span></span>Both Technicians
(A and B) are correct since the aluminum cylinder head surfaces should be
scraped clean only with nonmetallic tools to avoid gouging and it should also
be chemically cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations
before the inspection.<span><span /></span>
un conjunto de cosas que trabajan juntas como partes de un mecanismo o una red de interconexión x - cloudie
More gravitational force is exerted on object B since it has higher mass. Force and mass are directly proportional so when mass is higher then the force is larger. However, when the mass is small, then the force is well small. From the statement above, object A has a mass of 25 grams which is smaller with object B with a mass of 50 grams.