Let me give you the most famous persuasive message that I can quote. Just before the civil war began, the men of the south (in Gone with the Wind) were all fired up about the prospects of war. They all agreed they were going to beat the Yankees in a week. All were fired with energy but one. That one was the most disliked rascal in the room -- Rhett Butler. His comment: "The South will loose. She doesn't produce one cannon." He was trying to say that the south's wealth depended on slavery, not industry. He wasn't a peacenik but later on he provided many reasons against war even though he profited from it.
The point I'm trying to make is that Margret Mitchel (the author of Gone with the Wind) didn't say anything about war itself. She let her character do it. So the first and most important thing you can do is not use any language at all to persuade in fiction. Let your characters do it. Make it plausible for the character to say it, but not a shot in the dark a one time break in the character's personality.
Myself : Hello friend, How do you do?
Friend : I am fine, thank you. Why are you looking so sad?
Myself : Actually I am worried about my final examination What about your preparation for the examination?
Friend : Well, I’m going on well my studies. I am also worried about my exam.
Myself : But tell me about your preparation in different subjects.
Friend : You know I’m weak in English. That’s why, I’m taking special care in English. I’m having a detailed revision in other subjects.
Myself : Are you taking help from any special books?
Friend : Yes but I study text books very carefully.
Myself : I see. I must start working with the text books. What do you think?
Friend : Yes. I think it’ll be very helpful not only for English but also for other subjects.
Myself : Thank you for your supportive suggestion. I wish you good luck.
Friend : You are most welcome
The answer is D. Pertinent comes from the word pertain/pertaining, which means relevant.
By noticing how the character interacts with other charactersby noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinksby noticing how the other characters perceive the characterby noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character
In the second paragraph of the excerpt above, Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of the novel, writes the entire paragraph as one sentence. This gives the paragraph importance. It draws attention to itself and she is telling us that the information is important. In the second paragraph, she writes "Then you shall be courteously entreated to call and examine, and shall find an abundance of husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and young children, to be "sold separately, or in lots to suit the convenience of the purchaser;". " Instead of calling them "slaves", She calls them "husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and young children," By doing so, she humanizes the enslaved people. She reminds the readers that this was happening to real people. By humanizing them, she makes she puts un in their shoes. She reminds us that if this atrocious act can be done to other people, it can also happen to us. By calling them "husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and young children,", she is relating to the theme of slavery vs. family.
hope this helps :)