Beautiful-ugly funny-sad woman-man small-big build- destroy son-daughter
Trauma and grown up
Hope this helps (No explanation needed)
Root because it is the foundation
Prospects for Trade between Nigeria and its Neighbours is a new study undertaken by the Laboratoire d'Analyse Régionale et d'Expertise Sociale (LARES) in Cotonou (Benin), commissioned by the Club du Sahel1. Presented as a series of concise, well documented "fact sheets", this study will be of interest to public policy experts and entrepreneurs who believe that regional trade development is a necessary response to globalisation.
The study outlines the still very weak and undiversified trade in the region, the consequences of the asymmetric relation between Nigeria and the other countries as well as the important position occupied by oil products in regional trade.
It examines the recent developments in Nigeria's economic policy marked by a reduction in protectionism and the liberalisation of foreign exchange markets and its presently modest impact on regional trade. The study also highlights the role of the very informal trading networks which control the major part of regional trade and the institutional, financial and material obstacles to their development. The importance of the informal sector is underlined by the parallel foreign exchange market which operates throughout the region. Its pervasiveness illustrates both the region's development potential and the need for fundamental public policy reforms.
Answer and Explanation:
We cannot mention the experiences that King had during his life, without mentioning the moment when he witnessed his friend being hit and killed by a train, when he was a child. Although King claims that it did not influence him at all, we cannot fail to affirm that this is the moment of horror that he lived and that is directly related to his work, but that he can have an influence, even if it is only in the subconscious of King, being exposed when he allows his characters to experience shocking and traumatic moments.
Another experience that King had was the economic difficulty in supporting a family. King married and had children in his youth and had many difficulties in being able to support his family economically. He and his family went through many hardships in relation to money and because of that, King had to deal with the uncertainty and fear of what the future would hold for them. This may have influenced King's work to present very human characters, that in addition to facing supernatural problems, they must deal with real problems of adult life. This allows many readers to identify with the characters.
One last experience to be mentioned is the problem that King faced with alcoholism and drug addiction. This may have been King's most difficult experience, as it made him lose track of reality, a good relationship with his children and wife and the dominance of his life. King's characters constantly deal with these factors, which shows that much of what he writes reflects King's own problems, which makes the work even more palatable, as he manages to write about something he really knows.