Biomagnification is the collection or accumulation of a toxic or non-toxic substance or chemical by an organism from exposure to water and food that leads to a concentration that is far more than the expected condition of exposure from equilibrium. It leads to harmful effects on the health and physiology of individual organisms.
Consuming a huge number of marine animals or fish could cause the biomagnification of harmful substances if accumulated such as mercury as it is the most significant source of ingestion-related mercury exposure in humans.
The ethical and clinical standars possibly broken: b)Ethical and legal standards requiring professionals to carefully assess and accurately diagnose clients before commencing any interventintion.
Ethical and legal standars stablished that a clinical must give a proper attention to the people coming to their practice. In order to decide the correct form of treatment, is essential to make a proper diagnose. Taking time is necessary to stablish that. Being acertive with the way to treat a pacient has among other aspects to be precise and time is one of the most important aspects in both processes.
Aesthetic Distance
Artists will often portray fictional, mythical, and also reality-based scenarios but it is the attitude they generate with their artwork that enables viewers to separate their life issues and come to a new dimension.
This attitude or experience when someone is captivated by a work of art, like when watching an opera or a play in theatre where the person loses conscious of her life for a time and sets apart reality in a fiction or different reality that the artist is trying to portray.
In a work of art, the narrative being capable of mark a distance and set the person apart into a magical world where other possibilities of reality exist is then called aesthetic distance.
The answer to your question is A- ileobtibial tract