It helps determine whether a site is safe from landslides, floods, and natural hazards.
a cognitive map.
Cognitive map: In psychology, the term cognitive map is also referred to as mental model or mental map, and is defined as a form of a mental representation that helps a person to gain, recall, code, store, and decode a particular information related to the relative attributes and locations of specific phenomena in his or her metaphorical or day-to-day spatial environment. It is considered as a small part in an individual's spatial cognition.
In the question above, considering the given situation George has reached Ryan’s by using a cognitive map.
Battle of Somme - 800 thousand French and 540 thousand German soldiers (total: 1 million 340 thousand)
At the battle of Verdun - 150 thousand French and 150 thousand German soldiers (Approximately, total of 300 thousand)
Battle of Ypres: 100 000 French and 10 000 German casualties.
Total for all battles: 1 million and 700 thousand
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