The amount of time a student spent studying for an exam is a quantitative variable because it can be expressed numerically such as 4 hours, and 80 minutes, among other units of time measurement.
Any variable where the data indicate amounts is referred to be a quantitative variable (e.g. height, weight, or age). Any variable where the data represent groupings is referred to as a categorical variable. This comprises categories (like were people placed in a race), rankings (like cereal brands), and binary results (e.g. coin flips).
Variables assessed on a numeric scale are known as quantitative variables, as was covered in the chapter's section on variables. Examples of quantitative variables are height, weight, reaction time, subjective pain rating, temperature, and exam score.
Learn more about variables here:
The rise of dictatorship caused other nations to feel threatened and become defensive. The fear of being taken over by the totalitarian, power seeking dictators was real and drove armies to grow and the public to support strengthening borders.
Sensation is the process of detecting, converting and transmitting raw sensory data from the internal and external world and transmitting it to the brain.
How do we convert sensory information into signals the brain can understand?
In the first, a neuron collaborates with a sensory receptor, a cell, or a cell process that has been designed specifically to interact with and detect given stimuli. The afferent neuron that is connected to the sensory receptor is activated when it is stimulated, and it then sends information about the stimulus to the central nervous system.
Which part of the brain controls sensory information processing and movement?
The parieto-occipital sulcus, which is located behind the central sulcus, divides the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe. It houses the somatosensory cortex and is in charge of processing sensory data.
Learn more about sensation:
The correct answers are "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."
The two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls are: "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."
The method that is used to measure public opinion in the United States is polls and surveys. Mass Media outlets such as TV and Radio stations used polls and surveys before and during election time. The same happens with political parties and the candidates' campaign team. They are always monitoring the voters' preferences regarding their political candidates. They like to take "the pulse" of voters to know their preferences.
During political campaigns, public opinion polls help the campaign team to know people's views regarding their position of the candidate or the political party, It could be in favor, against, or neutral. From that information, the Director of the campaign can make decisions about what to modify the messages, the public's preferences, the position of the rivals, and try to better position its candidate in the mind of the voter.