<span>Mile Run/Walk - 7 minutes, 42 seconds
Body Composition/BMI - 5 ft 6/142lbs/22.9 BMI
Aerobic Capacity - 41.0
Sit and Reach 30
Curl-Ups 24
Trunk Lift 18
Push-ups 23
1.. I think I am in average shape but was disappointed. I will shorten my mile walk/run and work to run the entire time. I need to build up my stamina a little more.
2. I plan to start this exercise routine three times a week so I can build up my strength and endurance. I would like to be able to run a mile in five minutes. As I keep working on the strengthening exercises, I will get stronger and be able to increase my numbers. I should get to 50 sit and reach's and 30 push ups. And, since my aerobic capacity is only 41, this exercise program should bring me up to a 42 or 43.
No it isnt inevitable part of growing
Feces are the remains of food that bacteria have fermented in the gut and that the small intestine could not digest or absorb. Poop is mostly water; and, as we all know from experience, the amount of water in each stool can vary, depending on several factors, including spicy food intake.
A because you could not be at your house