Between 1640-1660, Great Britain enjoyed the greatest benefits of mercantilism. During this period, the prevailing economic wisdom suggested that the empire's colonies could supply raw materials and resources to the mother country and subsequently be used as export markets for the finished products.
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.
Laws would vary from one State to the other, which would make it difficult to adhere to if you're not from that State. Also, politics would play into effect. I'd like to use the American Civil War as an example; some states were for Slavery, meanwhile others sided on the abolishment side. That could come into play here, and that could be extremely dangerous.
I don't believe that people can be born with prejudices. It's just not possible. I think it's something learned. Why? Because the environments and people a person is exposed to when he/she is young shapes the way that person thinks.
Ways of thinking (including prejudices) are not biologically hereditary, therefore you cannot be born with them. If ways of thinking were hereditary and you can be born with ways of thinking, then wouldn't children always be in agreement with their parents?
Anyway, therefore, prejudices are always something learned, based on who a person learns from, and what environments that person is around.
The man can see them because the eyes looking down itself has light that's the reason it was said to be glowing.
Glowing in this context shows illumination (light) even though the light is only carried by the eyes looking down on the man. Thank you.