Oligarchy: A group of a few people rule a country.
Monarchy: A king or queen rules a country.
Constitutional Monarchy: A king or queen rules the country but has limited powers from a constitution.
Dictatorship: One person is in absolute complete power.
These forms of government are all similar in one way, there is one or a group of people with most of the power. This is unlike other governments which have different bodies of powers that keep each other in checks and balances.
If you are to choose Dictatorship and Oligarchy. Above are two differences.
Similarities are complete control.
B. obese
Since highly developed nations are able to afford more food than low developed nations, there will be many people who become obese due to overconsumption of food and this can lead to many health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke which can cause deaths and lower the population in highly developed nations.
From smallest to largest it would be individual, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and then biosphere.
We are used to normal energy and alternate sources are still kinda a foreign concept
Latitudes are the lines that are oriented in the east-west direction and are measured from the equator moving towards both the poles. It ranges from 0° to 90°, where 0° refers to the equator and 90° refers to both the poles on either side. This latitude together with the value of longitude gives the exact coordinates of a location on earth.
Parallels are the imaginary lines joining all the places lying on the same latitude. These are the lines oriented in the east-west direction. These lines are extended in both the hemisphere, maintaining a fixed distance from the equator.