No, the Crusades weren’t justifiable. The Arab/Muslim conquest of the region centuries earlier wasn’t justifiable either. There were no good guys or bad guys in that conflict. Both sides were wrong.
From the perspective of Jews and Samaritans, it was really just two colonial powers (Crusaders and Arabs) fighting over a land that never rightfully belonged to either of them in the first place.
What is important today is to understand that the unjustified reaction of the Christian community to actions in the Holy Land can be compared to the reaction of people in the Muslim world to Western dominance. So, instead of something like the Crusades was seen as an acceptance by many Muslims of terrorism. If the Christian Crusades were bad, so is the Muslim acceptance for decades of terrorism, particularly towards Israeli civilians.
One of the main ways in which composers changed the way they composed from the Classical era to the Romantic era was that they took more risks and "broke the rules" when it came to structure and melodic movement.
People exist in a cycle of life and death, and birth and rebirth,
Nirvana is attained when a person escapes a cycle of suffering, and
Enlightenment occurs when people understand the cycle of suffering.
I believe it’s the compromise of 1850