And over time, volcanoes made from low lava viscosity are wide and have a shallow slope; these are known as shield volcanoes. Classic examples of shield volcanoes are Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa in Hawaii, as well as Olympus Mons on Mars. When lava has a high viscosity, it's very thick and doesn't flow very well at all.
9,600 cubic miles
Mauna Loa is the largest volcano on Earth with an estimated volume of 9,600 cubic miles (40,000 cubic kilometers). It makes half of the area of the Island of Hawaii. Mauna Loa began to form nearly a million years ago. There is a caldera, Mokuaweoweo, at the summit and rift zones extend to the northeast and southwest.
Shawna's work on her blog about cars would be best described as
unreliable. Although speaking outside of a scientific context, she is
very knowledgable about cars, it is also important to consider that all
of her information comes either from second-hand sources, or from
opinions that she personally holds, which is not the basis for reliable
Organisms with the best adaptations are the ones who are can compete for the best. They are the ones who survive. Predators, animals that hunt other animals, must compete to find prey. Prey, animals that get eaten by predators, must compete to stay away from predators and to find their own food.
60 years is three half life for the substance, so 40*1/2^3=5