B. antiretroviral therapy
these are drugs that are degined to improve the immune system of the patient to enable resistance to other pathogens
look at these two websites
Non-Living Infectious Agents - SPH - Boston › otlt › MPH-Modules › PH709_InfectiousAgen...
May 4, 2016 - Criteria for Life. Scientists generally agree that there are four requisite characteristics of living organisms. They have one or more cells with DNA.
Are Viruses Alive? - Scientific
A, Graham crackers with peanut butter taste just like peanut butter cookies.
Housekeeping services keeps the hospital clean and plays an integral role in infection control.
Hospital and other health care services are offering many services such as preventive, curative, support and rehabilitative.
Housekeeping service is a support service department in a hospital, which is responsible for cleanliness, maintenance & aesthetic upkeep of patient care areas, public areas and staff areas. It is also known as the sanitation department or sanitation section or sanitation services.
Cleanliness of a hospital is essential because hospitals have high probability of contamination and many patients are fragile and vulnerable to infections.
Nurses play an important role in the care for patients and preventing healthcare associated infections, which includes educating the patients and their surroundings.
Learn more about Housekeeping service on