.a. True
<em>The theorists thought about the legitimate question on the potential recipents of organs contributing most to the good of the society is a good and true.</em>
<em>Imagine a situation where by someone that was jailed for robbery for 15years having 5 months to complete his or her sentence. The person was diagonised with kidney failure and needed kidney transplant which was successfully done</em>. It is a logical thing that, he or she should be of ggod behaviour when he comes out from the presion rather than going back to his old ways, committing more violent crimes and on an alchol drinking spree.
This actions of that person would definitely negates the aim of the donor of the organ when made aware that the recipent is far more a nusiance to the society than he was before the transplant was carried out.
Economic argument could be seen as an attempt to support the idea of promoting economic growth thorough promotion of trade. It supports that the integration makes an attempt to to achieve additional gains from the free flow of trade and investment between countries beyond those attainable under international agreements such as the WTO.
The political argument holds that with such arrangements and agreements , nations linked each other and become more dependent on each other and forming a structure where they regularly have to interact, the likelihood of violent conflict and war will decrease, and also by linking nations together, they have greater clout and are politically much stronger in dealing with other nations.
Discriminatory tariff reductions lead to trade creation and trade diversion, due to which there is a fall in regional integration.
Here are some ideas for argumental topics that allow you to collect information to support your opinion.
Moral Dilemmas
A moral dilemma forces you to think about the right thing to do in a challenging situation. Is it right to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? Is it right to kill someone who is endangering your life? Can two wrongs ever make a right? A good dilemma allows for development on either side of the argument, which is why moral dilemmas are perfect argumental topics.
Political Issues
Political issues are excellent argumental topics if you need inspiration. A little research into opposing politicians' speeches can help you discover the basics of either position. Take these basics and transform the arguments into your own words for a great argumentative essay.
Human Rights Issues
Whether it's crime and punishment or interfering with another government's crime and punishment, human rights issues can make a great argumental topic. Whose needs are the most important? You must choose whether to interfere or not, and defend that choice.
Issues of Personal Interest
If you're looking for something closer to home for your argumental topic, choose an issue near and dear to your heart. Should the school cafeteria serve more pizza or more organic produce? Does every teenager need a cell phone and a car? You've argued with your parents, now turn it into an actual argumental topic and support your heartfelt point of view. As a bonus, you may be able to make real changes in your personal life to your own benefit.
The best argumental topics have two possible valid points of view and provide room for you to gather plenty of evidence in support of the side that you choose. Remember to support your own point of view and find talking points to undermine the opposition. This shows that you truly understand the argumental topic you're discussing.
The role of the United States in the Vietnam War began after World War II and escalated into full commitment during the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1973. ... Eventually, U.S. missions were carried out at a more consistent rate by sending out increasing amounts of military assistance from the United States.
Listen and read critically. Fact-check thoroughly. Exercise historical perspective. Understand media technology and how it can distort the facts.
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Answer: A) Climate
Explanation: Until the mid-20th century the largest impediment to trade between area "1" and area "2" on the map was climate. The Sahara Desert was a major impediment to trade. True, there were Trans-Saharan trade routes for centuries, but there is no denying that the desert was an inconvenience at the very least.