Answer pick one.The Mexican government refused to recognize Texas’s independence, so the two nations were still at war. Houston also needed to persuade other nations to recogonize Texas as being independent. The new president faced financial prob- lems as well. The government had debts from the Texas Revolution and no money with which to repay them. Native Texans, who had remained peaceful during the Revolution, resented the growing number of settlers invading their territory. Now they threatened to declare war.
About as much as 60% of the indentured servants would die before being able to complete their contracts (which was often of 5 years). Although at first, some men were still able to claim some land after the years of work, in the 1660s, most of the good land was already claimed by large land owners. After Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, planters decided to stick with slavery instead of using the system that allowed them to abuse workers and become rich (by using a system that abused a person during that person's whole lifespan).
The issue of race in South Africa is an ongoing societal conflict. This conflict seemingly began in the colonial-era when the South African region attracted European attention with its minerals, riches, and resources. This led to areas being governed by both the British and Dutch, who even after the abolishment of slavery in the area, continued to bring in slaves. During the apartheid era, white majority rule was maintained and promoted the separation of whites and people of color (Africans, Indians, and Asians) who were sometimes former slaves. Post-apartheid (apartheid=segregation by race) South Africa’s history still feels the effects of these past issues with the continuing violence, racism, and hate crimes between whites and people of color in the area.
Explanation:that wold be missippi in the south were slavery was still around even when it was abolished