Natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift are random events.
A mechanism of evolution in which the frequencies of alleles of a population change with generations because of sampling error is known as genetic drift. It takes place in all the populations of non-infinite size, however, its influences are strongest in small populations.
Hope this helps :)
La biogénesis es el proceso fundamental de los seres vivos que producen otros seres vivos. Ejemplo: una araña pone huevos de los que saldrán más arañas. La biogénesis es aquel principio según el cual la vida solamente se origina de una vida preexistente (que ha existido antes).
Codominance means that neither allele can mask the expression of the other allele. An example in humans would be the ABO blood group, where alleles A and alleles B are both expressed. So if an individual inherits allele A from their mother and allele B from their father, they have blood type AB.