Step by step explanation:
Pervade means to spread all through parts
And permeate means spread throughout.
Man is a social being. So he cannot live alone. In a particular place, he lives with others. These other people are called neighbours. The man who behaves will with his neighbours is a good neighbour. A good neighbour possesses a good number of good qualities. He is a relative, a well-wisher, a friend, a guide and guardian to his neighbours. He gives his neighbours advice when necessary, encourages them in noble deeds. Consoles them in bereavement and sustains and respects their rights. He associates with all irrespective of caste, creed and colour. His heart aches for them, head thinks for them and hands work for them.
He tries to remove their sorrows, solve their problems and settle their quarrels. His words cheer their hearts, smiles lessen their grief and counsels help them stand on their feet. He runs to their houses in danger and rushes to nurse them in illness. He is not a self-centred man. He is not envious of the fame· and wealth of his neighbours. He is very free, frank and co-operative. His words are sweet, actions are good and thoughts are pure. He lives with. all in peace and amity. In short, he is theirs and they are his.
A. deep and dynamic
Zeus is a god he powerful and away to show that is he voice.
The mother is the daughters parent