The wretched extravagance of the French led to mounting debts and eventually the French Revolution.
During the 16th-17th Century, France was the most powerful European nation with a strong army, rich trading relations and huge political influence on the continent.
However, as the national became more wealthy the average person still lived in poverty. Peasants in the country-side could barely afford food while the aristocracy in Paris enjoy the life of luxury.
Eventually, the country began to run out of money and had to take on debt. Taxes were raised to compensate and increase the income of the state.
However, this resulted in a revolt and culminated in the overthrow of the French King.
Germany intended to build up a powerful empire by occupying territory to the east and south. Then, after overrunning France, it would use air assaults to force Britian to make peace.
The board of supervisors is that the legislative and executive body of the county government. The supervisors pass all ordinances governing the county and are liable for seeing that functions delegated to the county are properly discharged. The role of elected officials is that of governance. they create collective decisions. supported the requirements and desires of the community. role is that the management and implementation of the council or board policies.
I took the test and got it right.
Answer: because he cant
Explanation: because he cant
John Brown stirred up a lot of controversy with his attack on "Harper's" Ferry in Virginia