The conversational maxim that the professor violates is the relation. It is because professor discusses topics that are not related to the topic that she is going to discuss, which is why she is violating the relation. She focus her attention of discussing events that is happening on her life rather than focusing on teaching the topic that she should be teaching such as the tangents.
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.
However, doing some research we can say the following.
The view of the origin of life argues that God created the natural laws of the universe and the building blocks of life with the eventual emergence of life in mind, but then He stepped back, let creation unfold naturally, and life eventually emerged from non-living material. We are talking about progressive creationism.
Douglass R. Groothu was a proponent of progressive creationism, Groothuis thinks that traditional views, such as the doctrine of creation ex nihilo and the special creation of Adam and Eve, are flexible in their specifics.
Douglass R. Groothuis is an American philosopher that has dedicated part of his research to investigate moral and ethical issues in modern societies and how this affects the culture and traditions of people. One is his recent works is how the internet has changed people's behavior and affected the way they live.
The ~unequal~ statuses of different individuals in a society. for example, a doctor has a higher social status than a janitor working at the same hospital. the doctor might be awarded for his work, while the janitor is mostly ignored. the doctor may also have come from a fairly wealthy family and received a good education, while the janitor may have had economic disadvantages and a poor quality education. so the doctor and the janitor are socially unequal. social inequality is very closely connected to economic inequality, so if you ever see the phrase "socio-economic inequality," that's why.